Cultivating energetic wellbeing

What is meditation?
How can I practice?
Why is meditation more important today as never before?

Meditation is an ancient discipline, deeply rooted in human wisdom.
Today many scientific studies have confirmed the benefits of meditation on energetic health.
Not only as a practice to reduce stress, or to heal from emotional resistance … but as a technique to reveal your highest potential, to improve focus or to come closer to your true essence.

Meditation is about detaching from noise & the conditioned mind, in order to re-connect with your life force from a deeper & stronger sense of awareness.
Through regular meditation, you will become more conscious about how you can reduce identification from the egoic mind, in order to see life with more clarity.
In ancient sanskrit, the aim of meditation is to cultivate a higher state of presence and stillness in order to navigate towards a sense of inner peace, stillness and self realisation.

In my guided meditations, we embark on the transformative path to explore the dimension of our inner space.
Every class is about 50min, in which we will navigate through different meditation techniques and will share guided wisdom in order to feel inspired to practice at home, or anywhere else.

The aim is to unlock the benefits of meditation.
To ground and recharge from a place of inner stillness.

To still you mind, to free your life force.


The STILL meditation classes are built as following :
. grounding in the energetic field of presence
. breathwork
. guided meditation
. immersive sound
. aura meditation

Benefits from STILL meditation practice are :
. inner peace
. stress reduction
. awareness
. clarity
. life force
. focus
. vitality
. higher potential
. happiness



Still meditation sessions fall/winter 2024/2025 start on WED 13NOV24
There will be 18 sessions given until end of March 2025

Every Wednesday
from 7 till 8pm

12 _ Kattendijkdok Oostkaai 12 2000 Antwerp

<30Y ( up to 30 years ) : 30eur per month
>30Y ( from 30 years ) : 60eur per month
one single session : 20eur

As a member you will receive next advantages :
. access to 18 guided meditations & techniques
. access to 18 audio meditations
. 18 breathwork exercices
. being part of our STILL meditation community on Whatsapp
. free access to the Still room in Antwerp ( to rest, to study, to meditate with a friend )
. 10% on the STILL workshops, merchandising and retreats ( coming in 2025 )

Send an email to to become a member or enter in dialogue for more info.


The STILL meditation class can be booked :
. in companies for team empowerment
. on campus for a students workshop
. at home for private sessions
. on events & in art galleries as an immersive experience

Feel free to follow the Instagram account to stay up to date with all our classes, workshops, news and events :
still room
… or sign in to our newsletter

With gratitude,
